“HPPT”, Vol 23, №3


MAJID M.J., SAVINSKY S.S. Dynamics of electronic wave packets in carbon nanotubes 5
GOLOVCHAN A.V., GRIBANOV I.F. Effect of lattice compression on magnetic properties of the MnNiGe-based magnetocaloric alloys.I. Ab initio study 15
GRIBANOV I.F., SIVACHENKO A.P., KAMENEV V.I., MITSIUK V.I., MEDVEDEVA L.I., DVORNIKOV E.A., SIVACHENKO T.S. Effect of lattice compression on magnetic properties of the MnNiGe-based magnetocaloric alloys. II. Experiment 23
SIRYUK Ju.A., BEZUS A.V., SMIRNOV V.V. The role of magnetostatic pressure in the mechanism of phase transitions of honeycomb domain structure in the ferrite-garnet films 31
KONONENKO V.V., TARENKOV V.YU., DYACHENKO A.I., VARYUKHIN V.N. Percolation effects in the composite of superconductor and half-metal 39
GUMENNYK K.V., RUMYANTSEV V.V., YURCHENKO V.M., GALINSKIY M.K. Near-solvus kinetics of hydrogen absorption in metals 46
ABRAMOV V.S. Inverse structural states of the stochastic deformation field of fractal dislocation 54
VARYUKHIN V.M., LEONT’EVA A.V., PROKHOROV A.Yu., ERENBURG A.I. Low temperature anomalies of internal friction in oxide ceramics 63
BULATOV A.S., VELIKODNIY A.N., DOLZHENKO V.F., KLOCHKO V.S., KORNIETS А.V., ТIHONOVSKIY M.А. Peculiarities of acoustic properties in ultrafine zirconium at low temperatures 72
BELOSHENKO V.A., KRYGIN I.M., PYLYPENKO A.N., CHISHKO V.V. Internal friction of the CU−NBTI superconducting composite after combined plastic deformation 84
METLOV L.S., EFROS B.M., VARYUKHIN V.N. Hysteresis phenomena in γ/ε-phase transition 91
DZENZERSKY V.A., BASHEV V.F., TARASOV S.V., POLONSKY V.A., IVANOV V.A. Effect of quenching from the melt on physico-chemical properties of the Pb−Sn−Ca battery alloy 102
URYUKOV B.A., TKACHENKO G.V. A method for calculation of hardening of metal particles at high velocity impact with a target 110
VASILENKO T.A., KIRILLOV A.K., MOLCHANOV A.N., TROITSKY G.A., VISHNYAKOV A.V., KOSTENKO I.G., PICHKA T.V. Methane emission form fossil coal under increased moisture content 121

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