“FTVD”, Vol 14, №4


VIII International Conference «High Pressure 2004: Fundamental and applied Aspects» 7
VARYUKHIN V.N., BEYGELZIMER Y.Y., EFROS B.M., PROKOF’EVA O.V., PILYUGIN V.P. High pressure effects in severe plastic deformation 9
SAITOVA L.R., SEMENOVA I.P., RAAB G.I., VALIEV R.Z. Improvement of mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by methods of equalchannel angular pressing followed by plastic deformation 19
PASHCHENKO V.P., SHTABA V.A., VARYUKHIN V.N., PASHCHENKO A.V., SHEMYAKOV A.A., ZHIKHAREV I.V., DYAKONOV V.P., KLIMOV A.V., SZYMCZAK H. Phase transitions, baro- and magnetoresistive effects in manganite-lanthanum ceramics and laser-deposited La0.6Mn1.4O3±δ 25
KORSHUNOV A.I., VEDERNIKOVA I.I., POLYAKOV L.V., KRAVCHENKO T.N., SMOLYAKOV A.A., NIZOVTSEV P.N. Response of mechanical properties across the sample to ECAP 35
PODREZOV YU.N. Structural sensitivity of mechanical properties of nanomaterials 42
TIKHOMIROVA G.V., BABUSHKIN A.N. Relaxation effects at pressure induced phase transitions. Ammonium halides resistance 52
KULYASOVA O.B., ISLAMGALIEV R.K. Increased superplasticity in nanostructural magnesium alloy Mg−10 wt% Gd 56
ULYANOVA T.M., KRUT’KO N.P., TITOVA L.V., PAEMURD E.S., MEDICHENKO S.V., KALMYCHKOVA O.YU. Nanostructured refractory oxide powders for ceramics production 62
GRECHNEV G.E., PANFILOV A.S., BARANOVSKIY A.E., LOGOSHA A.V., SVECHKAREV I.V. Pressure effect on magnetic susceptibility and exchange interactions in GdMx (x = 1, 2, 3, 5) systems 68
PASHINSKAYA E.G., VARYUKHIN V.N., LEYRICH I.V., ANTONOVA M.A., TISHCHENKO I.I., TKACHENKO V.M. Investigation of defect accumulation in copper under severe combined loading 76
RAAB G.I. On the problem of industrial production of bulk ultrafinegrained materials 83
SALISHCHEV G.A., MALYSHEVA S.P., BETSOFEN S.YA. Production of sheet half-finished products from titanium with submicrocrystalline structure and their mechanical properties 90
GRINBERG B.A., KAZANTSEVA N.V., SHOROKHOV E.V., PYROGOV A.N., DOROFEYEV YU.A. Neutron diffraction and electron microscopy investigation of phase transformations in nickel superalloy after shock wave loading 97
VORONTSOV G.V., OVSYANNIKOV S.V., LOPATIN YU. N., SHCHENNIKOV V.V. Multiphase states in region of pressure-induced phase transitions 104
BELOSHENKO V.A., BORZENKO A.P., GLAZUNOVA V.A., PAKTER M.K. Thermally shrinkable couplings from filled epoxy compositions 109
IGNATYEVA T.A., VELIKODNY A.N. Electron topological transitions in rhenium alloys and their influence on Tc 117
LAVRINENKO N.M., BELOUSOV N.N. Computer simulation of mechanical system dynamic response to external influences 125
MOLLAYEV A.YU., ARSLANOV R.K., DZHAMAMEDOV R.G., MARENKIN S.F., VARNAVSKY S.A. Phase transformations in oriented monocrystals of CdSb at high pressure 132
MOLLAYEV A.YU., GABIBOV S.F., ARSLANOV R.K. An evolution of the energy spectrum of GaAs under pressure 140

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