“PHPT”, Vol 9, №4


BEYGELZIMER YA. E, EFROS B.M., VARYUKHIN V.N., MANSHILIN A.G., SHUL’GIN G.M. Physics and mechanics of deformation and destruction of solids under pressure. 2. Mathematical modelling of processes of treatment of materials under pressure 7
DOMAREVA A., PASHINSKАYA E., BELOUSOV N., PASHINSKY V. The effect of heating and magnetic action on process of microplastic deformation of high-nitrogen austenite 19
BOGDANOV V.A., EFROS B.M., ZAKORETSKAYA T.A., LOLADZE L.V. The effect of aging on strengthening of hydropressed high-nitrogen steels 24
MALASHENKO V.V., MALASHENKO T.I. Dependence of dynamic deceleration of dislocations on deformation fields of defects 30
KASATKA N.G., OREL S.M. SPUSKANYUK V.Z. Conductivity and heat emission in the metal-alloy compressed powders at the initial stage of electrical sintering 32
MATROSOV N., PAVLOVSKAYA E., SENNIKOVA L. Intercomponent interaction in fibred composition material of cupper – alloy niobium-titanium and his influence on physical and mechanical properties 39
SYNKOV V.G. A technique of designing automatically fastened two-layer high-pressure chambers 46
GAIVORONSKI A.T., GAIVORONSKI A.A. Devices for vibromechanical squeezing 51
DARDA YU.A., KASATKA N.G., SPUSKANYUK V.Z. Prospective methods of tool manufacture with application of the electric discharge method of powder sintering 58
MATROSOV N.I., DUGADKO A.B., PAVLOVSKAYA E.A., SENNIKOVA L.F., SHEVCHENKO B.A. Effect of component interaction on the strength of fibrous composite copper-niobium-titanium 63
SHISHKOVA N.V., DONCHENKO L.I., BARBASHOV V.I., UL’YANOVA E.V., POLYAKOV P.I., KOVRIGA N.N. Peculiarities of formation of circulating immune complexes in human blood serum under pressure: diagnostic and NMR investigations 67
DELLALOV V.S., DAN’SHIN N.K., LINNIK A.I., SHKAR V.F. Spin-wave resonance peculiarities in an inhomogeneous garnet film 72
VARYUKHIN V.N., OKUNEV V.D., PRUDNIKOV A.M., SAMOILENKO Z.A., ABAL’OSHEV O., GIERLOWSKI P., KLIMOV A., LEWANDOWSKI S.J. Change of YBACUO atomic order at resonance excitation of electronic subsystem by radiation of copper vapour laser 78
GOROKH A.V., PRIMISLER V.B., DANILENKO I.A. About the nature of heat effects accompanied of phase transitions and chemical reaction 83
MAMALYI YU.A., SIRYUK YU.A. The effect of magnetostatic pressure on the condition coexistence of domain phases 88
VALKOV V.I., SIBAROVA I.A. Coexistence of magnetic structures and the phase transitions in magnets with itinerant carriers of magnetism. 1. Spin-fluctuation model of itinerant magnetism 94
PRIMAK T.E. Resonance increase of the surface magnetic polaritons scattering near the magnetic second order phase transition 99
ALEXEEV A.D., TROITSKII G.A., UL’YANOVA E.V., KHMARA V.M., ZAVRAZHIN V.V. Transverse NMR relaxation of water protons in silicagels 104
IGNATENKO P.I. Thermodynamic-kinetic theory of epitaxy 111
KRYZHANOVSKY V.G., RUDYAKOVA A.N. A comparative characteristic of the field-effect transistor models used in designing the microwave-frequency power amplifiers 119

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