“PHPT”, Vol 5, №3


BRONSHTEIN D.KH., SIMKIN E.S., SKLYAR S.I. Hard-alloy powder materials obtained under different thermodynamic conditions 5
URBANOVICH S.l., BABUSHKIN A.N., NIKIFOROV L.G. Cadmium pyroniobate transformation to an unclassified state under pressure to 0.5 Mbar 11
PRIKHNA A.I. High-pressure apparatus for the synthesis of diamond and cubic bohr nitride 14
SPUSKANYUK A.V., BEYGELZIMER YA.E., ALEXEYEV V.P. A model of the process of nonlinear futes forming on the inner surface of tubular billets 24
BAGLYUK G.A., YURCHUK V.L. Calculation of the shape changing and force parameters of the process of cylindrical billet flatting in closed die 31
SERDYUK V.D., KOSA P.N., KOZLOV G.V. The modeling of the yielding of polymers in terms of dislocation model 37
BELOSHENKO V.A., ZAMOTAYEV P.V., MITYUKHIN O.P., SLOBODINA V.G. Investigation of the processes of hydropressing and thermal shrinkage of polyethylene-polypropylene mixtures 43
BORDYUK N.A., KOLUPAEV B.S., VOLOSHIN O.M. Influence of the moulding pressure on viscoplastic and structure-mechanical properties of filled
KOZLOV G.V., BELOUSOV V.N., SERDYUK V.D., KUZNETSOV E.N. Structural defects of the amorphous state of polymers 59
TURKEVICH V.Z. Phase equilibria of diamond with 3-d VII and VIII transition metals 65

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